About women who read, for women who read.



Eve Babitz



Photograph provided by Mirandi Babitz

Photograph provided by Mirandi Babitz


How do you define an LA woman today?

I’m sure my definition is different than others because my version is the same as ever, secure, smart, and not intimidated, but that’s how I’d like to think of all women.  

Why do you read?

I don’t know how to answer that. How could anyone not read? That’s one of life’s greatest pleasures​ and I usually have two books going at once. I read for every reason under the sun, enjoyment, knowledge, escape, comfort…to go someplace ​and enter another person's world.



LA’s music scene is almost as legendary as its film industry. What would you include on a playlist that would be the ideal soundtrack companion to your new book? 

I don’t think my soundtrack has ever changed, ​Michael Bloomfield, Edith Piaf,​ Julie Christie, Jim Morrison, ​Bach's Magnificate in D, Miles Davis, Art Pepper, Stravinsky, music from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s…

Do you have a forever-favorite book? 

I am asked this all the time, Colette’s books, or ​Joe Heller's Catch 22.

Why is it your favorite?

I can never describe why a book is a favorite. It’s just a feeling I get when I read it.


Photograph provided by Mirandi Babitz

Photograph provided by Mirandi Babitz


Do you feel satisfied with the life you’ve led? Or is there something you find yourself still searching for? 

I guess it’s a bit late now not to have been, right? So I better be! I'm not one to rewrite my own history which was interesting enough.

I suppose we’re all still searching for something until the end, but I’m old enough now to know that I’m grateful for what I have​. ​I think in the past I was in need of a higher power but thanks to my recovery I have one now.


Tell us about your relationship with libraries.

I adore libraries. I love the smell of old books.

Do you currently use one?

Now it’s more difficult for me to go.

Did you spend formative time in them as a child?

Of course,​ Grand Central Library downtown and the Hollywood Wilcox Library were both favorites of mine growing up and I spent time there.


Food plays a big role in your books. Do you have strong sense memories connected to food and your past?

I’ve always loved food. Almost as much as books!

Currently, what’s your favorite meal?

Sandabs at Musso’s…..nothing beats that​ except their Diplomat Pudding is my current favorite!

What’s your absolute number one place to eat in Los Angeles?

Musso and Frank’s and a great taquito place​ on Olvera Street!


Photograph provided by Mirandi Babitz.

Photograph provided by Mirandi Babitz.


Eve Babitz is a writer and author living in Los Angeles, CA.


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